Primary and Secondary Programs
Nearly 400 students are studying Ukrainian at 11 community schools throughout Australia. Most operate on Saturdays and a few on Friday evenings. Ukrainian community schools offer classes at preschool, primary and secondary levels, with some also offering Ukrainian as a mainstream elective for Years 11 and 12. Students can study the Ukrainian language as well as Ukrainian culture, literature, history, geography and singing. Some schools offer additional opportunities for those interested in studying Ukrainian dance and music, eg. playing the bandura, a unique Ukrainian instrument with some 60 strings.
National Body
Ukrainian Education Council of Australia
State Bodies
Ukrainian School Council of Victoria
New South Wales
1. Українська центральн школа ім. кн. Ольги.
працює щосуботи 9:30-13:00
51–57 Joseph Street, Lidcombe
Довідка: Andrew Bilinsky 0418 406 373
2. Нова українська школа
- Північний Сідней щосуботи: з 9:30-12:30 в приміщенні Castle Cove Public School, Kendall Street, Castle Cove.
- Піденний Сідней щосуботи: з 15:00-19:00 в приміщенні Blakehurst High School, Forster Street Blakehurst.
- Західний Сідней щопонеділок: з 16:00 в приміщенні Parramatta West Public School, Auburn Street, Parramatta.
- Південозахідний Сідней щовівтірка: з 17:00 в приміщенні Holsworthy High School, Huon Cres, Holsworthy.
Довідка: Роксолана 0414 932 926
3. Братська Рідна Школа ім. Святого Андрія (при Греко-католицькій церкві)
працює щосуботи 9.00 – до 13.00
57 Church Street Lidcombe
Довідка: 02 9649 9975
4. Saturday School of Community Languages у приміщенні Strathfield Girls High School (тільки 11, 12 клас)
працює щосуботи з 8:30-11:30 українська мова, як навчальний предмет до складання атестата про повну загальну середню освіту
Довідка: Ірина (02) 9680 2776,
А також є Плейгрупа для дітей дошкільного віку
South Australia
Hindmarsh: Year 1-12, ph. 08 8258 1275
Ukrainian after-hours schools have been in Victoria since 1951. LOTE Ukrainian is a VCE subject.
1. Українська Братська Школа ім. Митрополита Андрея Шептицького
працює щосуботи 9:00-13:30
35 Canning St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Довідка: (03) 9320 2525 (по суботах між 8:30-14:00)
2. Українська школа ім. Лесі Українки в Нобл Парку
працює щосуботи год. 9.00 – 13.45
26 Chandler Road, Noble Park, VIC 3174
Садочок (3 р.) до 12 кл. матури VCE
Довідка: Орися Стефин 0422 737 404Українська-школа-310974811543/
3. Kolo Ukrainian School
4. Geelong
Preschool – Year 10, ph. 0410 479 741
5. Private Classes
Olena Radievska at RADO Translations
You can learn Ukrainian at any age from any stage with a professional teacher and native speaker of Ukrainian language based in Melbourne.
Contact us on 0423 309 768
6. Kolo Ukrainian Playgroup
Ukrainian language-focussed playgroup based in Melbourne
every Tuesday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Box Hill South Neighbourhood House
47 Kitchener Street, Box Hill South, VIC 3128
Enquiries: 0423 309 768
Western Australia
Taras Shevchenko School, Perth: Primary classes – 0412 228 056
Adult Ukrainian Classes, Perth
Note: Year 9 and 10 students at Ukrainian schools have the opportunity to participate in student exchange programs in Ukraine.
University Programs
Do you live in Australia? Are you 17 years of age or older? Interested in learning Ukrainian? If so, then the Ukrainian Council of Education in Australia has the language learning solution for you.
One option is to use you language skills to complete Year 12. Other options exist at University level, or just to improve your existing knowledge. Contact Orysia Stefyn on (03) 9795 2679 or for further information.
Monash University in Melbourne, Victoria
Monash University conducts teaching and research in Ukrainian language, literature and culture within the School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics. Undergraduate programs are available for students with little or no previous knowledge of Ukrainian, as well as students already competent in Ukrainian. Students may take Honours in Ukrainian Studies. A Diploma in Languages (Ukrainian) is available, as well as a Graduate Diploma in Languages (Ukrainian). The Ukrainian Studies Support Fund was set up by the Ukrainian community.
Monash university offers scholarships and student exchange programs with universities in Ukraine.
Scholarships are also available to successful applicants who enroll in Year 12 LOTE Ukrainian.
For further information please email: