Two years after Russia launched its full-scale, brutal invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine and Ukrainians are still being forced to make unbelievable and unbearable sacrifices in the name of peace, freedom and democracy.
The fight is far from over.
More than ever, the people of Ukraine need our help to resist Russian aggression and defend our shared values.
Check out below how you can support and help Ukraine.

Contact your local MP
Write a letter to your local Member of Parliament asking for additional military aid for Ukraine and follow up with a request for a meeting.
Our campaign tools make it easy to find your local MP, write and send your letter, and know what to say when you meet with your local MP.

Donate to our funds
The AFUO’s Defend Ukraine Appeal is the only Australian fund dedicated to providing non-lethal defence equipment.
The AFUO’s Ukraine Crisis Appeal provides emergency relief and humanitarian aid to those affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine, and assists displaced Ukrainians in Australia.
The AFUO’s Future Ukraine is dedicated to helping Ukrainians impacted by russia’s full-scale invasion rebuild their country – and their future.
Your generosity will save lives.

Help prevent ‘Ukraine fatigue’ and become a digital warrior!
Join our digital army and become a digital warrior! Share content on social media using the hashtags #StandWithUkraine, #RussiaIsATerroristState and #BeBraveLikeUkraine.

Attend a community rally or event
Attend a rally or a fundraiser featuring Ukrainian music, art, food and culture and post a photo on your social media.
Wear blue and yellow, stay informed about the war and speak with your friends and family about how Australia can continue to #StandWithUkraine and provide ongoing and expanded support.

Boycott companies still operating in Russia
Over 1,000 companies have curtailed operations in Russia—but some remain. Those which remain pay taxes which help to fund Russia’s war against Ukraine. A new law in Russia also enables any company workforce to be conscripted into the war effort.
Companies which remain include Unilever (Dove, Magnums, Cornetto’s and Domestos), Emirates, Qatar and Etihad Airlines, Lacoste and Yamaha.
Stop supporting these and other companies still operating in Russia. Write them a letter demanding they stop being international sponsors of war.