The AFUO warmly welcomes the announcement made by the Australian Government on 24 February 2023, expressing solidarity with Ukraine and outlining additional military support and sanctions.

In the announcement, the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese said “This is a most sombre occasion for the people of Ukraine. One year on from Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified and unlawful full-scale invasion, the costs of Russia’s aggression are incalculable.”
The Government again called on Russia to withdraw its forces from Ukrainian territory and end the war. Additional support announced included:
- more Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) to Ukraine. These systems provide a battlefield intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capability for the Ukrainian Armed Forces as they continue to fight.
- the first rotation of around 200 Ukrainian recruits from military training supported by Australian Defence Force personnel as part of Operation Kudu, Australia’s contribution to a UK-led multi-national training program.
- further targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on 90 persons, and targeted financial sanctions on 40 entities (bringing the total of sanctions imposed to 1,000). The new sanctions targets include Russian ministers with responsibilities spanning energy, natural resources, industry, education, labour, migration and health.
Australia also joined 140 other member states to support a resolution calling for a just peace in Ukraine at an Emergency Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
The AFUO also thanks the Opposition for their statement condemning the full-scale Russian invasion.
Both statements can be found below: