Meet 8-year-old Matvii from Vinnytsia Oblast – a lively and cheerful boy who has recently started third grade. He loves to ride his bike and do puzzles.
Nothing in the child’s smile indicates the difficult trials he has gone through. Six months ago Matvii complained that he could not see well in one eye. Doctors found a large tumour in his head.
Matvii underwent two complicated surgeries, which, fortunately, were successful. Now, he only needs observation and recovery.

Matvii is one of 37 children who have received help through the cooperation of Tabletochki and AFUO’s Ukraine Crisis Appeal. UCA has donated $100,000 AUD for neurosurgery consumables for children.
Brain and spinal cord tumours are the second most common type of cancer in children. At the same time, they are the most dangerous. Even benign tumours that compress essential parts of the brain can have terrible consequences.
When a child is diagnosed with such a tumour, the first stage of treatment is almost always surgery. It requires high-tech equipment and consumables, and the cost for just one operation can reach thousands of dollars. The state does not provide these materials during wartime, as it directs its primary resources to defence. For families facing two wars – one in their country and another against childhood cancer – this amount is also unaffordable.
Therefore, we are sincerely grateful to Tabletochki, to the incredible volunteers at Ukraine Crisis Appeal, to every generous donor, and RAWCS – Rotary Australia World Community Service for not leaving these vulnerable children alone with the disease.
Thanks to your vital support, over 40 children like Matvii have received a chance to have a healthy childhood.