The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (UCS) of Australia released the first two stamps of the “Australian-Ukrainian Heritage” Personalised Stamp™ and souvenir first day of issue envelope series on 1 November 2010.
The two stamps were dedicated to the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) and the Ukrainian Youth Association CYM to coincide with their 60th anniversary of formation in Australia. Below are reproductions of the two First Day Covers (FDC) that were issued.
A total 1,080 CYOA stamps (54 sheets of 20 stamps) together with 99 first day covers (FDC) and a total of 1,940 CYM stamps (97 sheets of 20 stamps) together with 114 first day covers were released. The UCS has retained very small quantities of stamps (sheets not available) and FDC for purchase. Interested persons should contact one of the officers named below for further details.
The “Ukrainian Heritage” series of stamps and covers is designed to provide a tangible philatelic record of the history of Ukrainian organisations established and operating in Australia since 1948, recognising and commemorating their status and respective unique contributions to Australia’s Ukrainian and wider communities. The project is expected to run over 3-4 or more years and will promote and acknowledge Ukrainian organisations from all states and territories of Australia.
The UCS is Australia’s only organisation solely dedicated to the collecting and promotion of Ukrainian collectibles, Ukrainica. Formed in 1994 the UCS and its members are major contributors to Ukrainian theme philately and collectibles in Australia and around the world.
The next stamps are expected to be released in April 2011. The UCS will continue to inform Ukrainian communities by way of email with future order details when available. Should persons wish to be included on the mailing list they should contact either:
- President: Frank Fursenko M: 0412 267 880
- Secretary: George Fedyk M: 0412 702 234
Orders can only be placed with the UCS on a prescribed Order Form that will be emailed or posted to interested persons who register their interest.
The UCS would appreciate it if members of our Ukrainian communities could inform others of these unique and highly collectable issues.
Issued 26 November 2010