Holodomor Commemoration Victoria

Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral Parish of Sts Peter and Paul 35 Canning St, North Melbourne, VIC, Australia

WE REMEMBER< UNITE, AND SHALL OVERCOME! Each year in November, we commemorate the victims of Holodomor -death by hunger- wrought by Stalin in Ukraine in 1932-1933.. Echoes of this resonate […]


Concert for Ukraine

Concerts on 4th and 10th December 2022 and two different venues

SPREAD YOUR WINGS або «На перші гулі» plus Christmas Special

Bryan Brown Theatre ​80 Rickard Road, (corner of Rickard and Chapel Roads), Bankstown, Sydney, NSW, Australia

MOTANKA Theatre is a Ukrainian-Australian theatre group dedicated to bringing migrants’ and refugees’ voices to the stage. Театр «Мотанка» це українсько-австралійський театральний колектив, покликаний донести зі сцени голоси мігрантів та […]

$35 – $60

UA – Ukrainian Film Festival – Sydney

WELCOME TO THE UKRAINIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2023 Experience the best of Ukrainian cinema from May 26th-28th at Dendy Cinema Newtown. Enjoy smart comedies, historical dramas, premieres, biographies, romance, and more. […]