Senator Catryna Bilyk
Chair Australia – Ukraine Parliamentary Group
Parliament House
Canberra 2600
Dear Senator
The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) congratulates you on your appointment as Chair of the Australia – Ukraine Parliamentary Group.
We wish you every success in your endeavours.
The AFUO is the peak body for Ukrainians in Australia. We look forward to working with you in building the bridges between Australia and Ukraine.
I am writing to request a meeting to brief you on some of the issues being undertaken by the AFUO and issues relating to Australia Ukraine relations.
There are a number of issues of mutual interest and concern that we believe may assist in building the relationship. Some of which I have listed below;
- There is a planned visit of a major Ukrainian investor who wishes to buy Australian cattle. We have made contact with relevant Australian posts overseas, Australian government departments and livestock exporters. Protocol issues need to be agreed on to ensure this opportunity is maximised.
The group is keen to meet with you and the Minister for Agriculture to discuss these issues.
- The AFUO suggests an opportunity be provided for the AFUO to brief the members of the Australia – Ukraine Parliamentary group and other interested Members of the Australian Parliament on the current status of issues in Ukraine and proposals on how the Australian Government may wish to strengthen its involvement.
- Australia’s Ambassador in Vienna (who has responsibility for Ukraine) His Excellency Michael Potts will be in Australian in March. We have a scheduled meeting with the Ambassador on March 23, 2011.
I also take this opportunity to invite you to our international festival ‘Hopak in The Park,’ in Melbourne at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on April 30, 2011. I will arrange for tickets to be sent if you are available to attend.
Further information about our activities can be found on our website
I will contact your office to arrange a suitable time for us to meet. Please do not hesitate to call me if you require further information on 0419531255.
Best wishes
Stefan Romaniw OAM
3-11 Russell Street Essendon Victoria 3040 | PO Box 251 Essendon Victoria 3040
ABN 40 104 855 692
tel (03) 9375 1781 | fax (03) 9326 1065 | |