A meeting was held in Melbourne on March 23, 2011 between the Australian Ambassador with responsiblity for Ukraine, His Excellency Michael Potts, and representatitives of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO), AFUO Chairman Stefan Romaniw and Public Relations Director Marian Tkaczuk. Following the meeting, the following statement was released.
March 23, 2011
Working relations between the Australian Embassy in Vienna, which has responsibility for Ukraine and the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO), were enhanced today March 23, 2011 during a meeting held in Melbourne with the Ambassador His Excellency Michael Potts and AFUO Chairman Stefan Romaniw and Public Relations Director Marian Tkaczuk.
The Ambassador provided details of his Post’s current working relations with Ukraine and the Australian Government’s interest in Ukraine.
The Ambassador and members of the diplomatic staff have visited Ukraine and are planning further visits in the near future.
Mr Potts was also interested in hearing the community’s outlook on the current situation in Ukraine.
The AFUO representatives highlighted that there are concerns in relation to a number of human and national rights issues in Ukraine. Examples of these violations have been presented previously.
The AFUO is proposing that advice be given to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to consider holding a hearing and inquiry into the current status of Ukraine.
Business opportunities were also discussed with the intention of increasing trade activity between the countries.
The Ambassador also advised of the recent dialogue at an international forum between the Foreign Ministers of both countries.
Issues in relation to immigration processes, the appointment of the new honorary consul of Australia in Ukraine were also raised.
The AFUO is grateful to the Ambassador for his genuine interest in Ukraine and for the opportunity to meet and compare notes on Ukraine’s progress and related issues..
3-11 Russell Street Essendon Victoria 3040 | PO Box 251 Essendon Victoria 3040 | ABN 77 674 760 578
tel (03) 9375 1781 | fax (03) 9326 1065 | afuo@ozeukes.com | www.ozeukes.com