Inaugural Ukrainian Youth Short Film Festival
“I am Ukrainian”
Young people were invited to interpret this phrase by making a short film to express how they saw their Ukrainian identity and heritage.
The films had to be original and can be realistic, experimental, digital manipulations, humorous, animations or serious: above all, personal, creative and entertaining, opening our eyes to the way young people see what “being Ukrainian” means to them. Filmmakers were invited to make their films using cameras, mobile phones or tablet devices with video capabilities.
Judging Criteria: Creativity: opening and closing, angles, lighting, Engagement: story, visual elements, effective use of emotion for mood Communication: relates personal story and ideas to audience Technical ability: uses appropriate techniques to enhance ideas.
Фестиваль Короткометражних Фільмів Молоді
Тема: “Я Українець/ Українка”.
Запрошення молоді проявляти, висловлювати, особисті думки про своє українство, та створити короткий фільм котрий відзеркалює як він/вона себе бачить в українському оточенні, що означає бути українцем/ українкою.
- Halya Kostiuk (Галя Костюк): Artist and Art Educator
- Orysia Stefyn (Орися Стефин): Chairperson at Ukrainian Education Council of Australia, Deputy Chair of AFUO
- Mark Horpinitch (Марко Горпинич): Production-Studio Director
CATEGORY 1 (9-13 years of age: 30-60 secs length)
- First Prize: $150 to Ludomyr Kemp-Mykyta (Melbourne)
- Runner-up: $100 to Daria Niall (Melbourne)
Other entrants (no particular order)
- Peter Wityk (Perth)
- Olga Suchodolak (Melbourne)
- Irynka Loboda (Melbourne)
- Sophiya Poshyvaylo-Towler (Melbourne)
Each received a $20 i-Tunes voucher
No entrants in Category 2 (ages 14-17: 60-120 secs length)
No entrants in Category 3 (ages 18-28: 60-180 secs length)
Two entries submitted. It was decided to share a pool of $300.
- First Prize: $150 to Anton Fedorov and Maksym O’Keefe (Sydney)
- Runners-up: $150 to Ukrainain Youth Association (Sydney)- Старше Юнацтво CYM (Сідней), included Andrei Matiouk, Olexa Matiouk, Solomia Matiouk, Brianna Berehowyj, Markiyan Stefanyshyn, Danillo Kutcheruk
Congratulations to all participants: the films showed us all the different things that you identify as important in expressing your Ukrainian heritage.
To everyone else – join us in the next Short Film Festival…we look forward to seeing the Ukrainian world through your eyes!