Оновлення інформації! Updated information!
Thank you to all those who submitted entries into the inaugural “Ukrainian Youth Short Film Festival”.
As it is an innovation that has caught some unprepared for all the work that has to go into producing and submitting, in order to include those who are still making an effort to participate, the deadline has been extended to MONDAY 20th May 5 pm.
There will be no further extensions. We look forward to announcing the winners at the AFUO National Ukrainian Festival in Sydney in June.
Конкурс Короткометражних Фільмів Молоді 2013
«Я Українець / Українка» – Запрошєумо українську молодь створити короткий фільм в якому виражаються власні думки про своє «українство» — що означає бути українцем/українкою.
Ukrainian Youth Short Film Competition 2013
“I am Ukrainian” You are invited to interpret this phrase by making a short film and express how you see your Ukrainian identity and heritage.
The films must be original and can be realistic, experimental, digital manipulations, humorous, animations or serious: above all, personal, creative and entertaining, opening our eyes to the way young people see what “being Ukrainian” means to them.
Filmmakers are invited to make their films using cameras, mobile phones or tablet devices with video capabilities.
There are 4 different categories:
Category 1 | 9-13 years of age | (30-60 secs length) | First Prize: $100 |
Category 2 | 14-17 years of age | (60-120 secs length) | First Prize: $150 |
Category 3 | 18-28 years of age | (60-180 secs length) | First Prize: $250 |
Category 4 | Group (2 or more) | (60-180 secs length) | First Prize: $250 |
Runner-up prizes will also be awarded.
Judging Criteria:
Creativity: | opening and closing, angles, lighting |
Engagement: | story, visual elements, effective use of emotion for mood |
Communication: | relates personal story and ideas to audience |
Technical ability: | uses appropriate techniques to enhance ideas. |
Films will be shortlisted in May, with category winners announced in Sydney during the AFUO National Ukrainian Festival, on 7-9th June 2013. So start creating!!!
Final date for submission of entries – 13th May 2013 MONDAY 20th May 5 pm.
Registration form: I am Ukrainian Registration Form v3
Upload instructions (updated 1st May 2013): I am Ukrainian UPLOAD INSTRUCTIONS
For further information contact:
Taras Galas 0419 877 408 Halya Kostiuk 0414 7694 66
or email afuo@ozeukes.com
Taras Galas – Cultural Director AFUO