The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (UCS) has released an Information Sheet for the next two issues of the ongoing “Ukrainian Heritage in Australia” stamp and envelope series.
The two new featured organisations are:
- No. 5: Ukrainian Association of Western Australia
- No. 4: Ukrainian Community Radio in South Australia
Also attached are the new individual Order Forms for these two issues. Completed Order Forms should be e-mailed to:
The last day to order is Monday, 11 July 2011.
Information sheet: Information Sheet No.3
‘Ukrainian Community Radio in South Australia’ Order Form: Radio order form
‘Ukrainian Association in Western Australia’ Order Form: WA order form
Should you require additional information, please contact the UCS at:
In conclusion, there remain for sale a small quantity of stamps and envelopes from the first four issues. Please email for details.
The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (UCS)
Adelaide, Australia