For Immediate release
Victoria’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development connects with Ukraine
Let’s build the education bridges
Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Multicultural Education Senior Project Officer Gary Shaw recently presented at a conference in Ukraine on intercultural understanding and global citizenship.
His brief report was recently published in the DEECD publication Inspire titled Intercultural understanding with Ukraine. (attached)
The Australian Federation Of Ukraine Organisations (AFUO) and the Ukrainian Education Council of Australia (UECA) and Ukrainian community languages schools in Victoria have been working with Mr Shaw. The Karpaty Foundation also assisted with funding.
The project continues and there is ongoing contact with Mr Shaw.
“We are hoping that we can build bridges between our Ukranian community languages schools in Victoria and in Australia and schools in Ukraine. This would be of great benefit to all concerned. We wish Gary every success in achieving our common goal” AFUO Chairman Stefan Romaniw said today.
We see this is as a great opportunity to take our Victorian knowledge in the areas of multicultural education, citizenship and social cohesion and spread the word internationally” Mr Romaniw said
“In giving evidence at last week’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Committee hearing in Canberra on Australian diplomatic representation we raised the issues of education and the opportunity of building relations.
This being another reason for the Australian Government to seriously consider opening of an Australian Embassy in Kyiv, Mr Romaniw said.
“There is real potential for Victoria’s Education Department to sell it programs and share its intellectual property with many parts of Ukraine.
This is an asset we have and we can capitalise .By doing so we can contribute to building stronger societies internationally but also see the economic benefits for Victoria, for Australia,” Mr Romaniw said
Further information: Contact Stefan Romaniw 0419 531 255 Orysia Stefyn 0422737404
Inspire DEECD February 2012 Issue 1 p 50
Extract from DEECD Publication Inspire: inspirefeb2012 50
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