I am sure that by now you have all heard of the forthcoming visit to Australia by the Rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Rev. Dr Borys Gudziak whose firm and instant reaction to attempts of the SBU (acting for the new regime) to intimidate him and threaten criminal action against the University students who participate in any form of anti government … [Read more...]
Inaugural Ukrainian Dance Festival “Hopak in the Park” April 2011
The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations are hosting the inaugural Ukrainian Dance Festival “Hopak in the Park” at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl in April 2011. The name hopak is derived from the verb hopaty which means “to jump,” as well as the corresponding exclamation hop! which can be uttered during a jump as an expression of surprise or amazement. The concept … [Read more...]
Пленарна Нарада – СУОА 2010
Дорогі Члени CУОA! Повідомляємо, що ПЛЕНAРНA НAРAДA CУОA відбудеться в Мельборні у суботу 26-го - і неділя 27-го червня 2010 р. в Українському Народному Домі, Ессендон Ціль наради - Окреслити загально- австралійські та місцеві пляни для скріплення нашого громадського життя Оbjective - To identify national and local plans and strategies for community … [Read more...]
Stefan Romaniw Interviewed on “Unian”
Read the full interview with Stefan Romaniw on "Unian" … [Read more...]
Stefan Romaniw Interviewed on “The Ukrainian Week”
Read the full interview at "The Ukrainian Week" … [Read more...]
Movie Review – “Farewell”
This thrilling piece of cinema is based on a remarkable true story and tells the tale of a disenchanted KGB agent who at the height of the Cold War passed classified information out of Moscow. FAREWELL is a thriller in the mould of 'The Lives of Others' set during the Cold War. Directed by Christian Carion (Joyeux Noel)and starring two of Europe's most respected … [Read more...]
A New Website for the Australian Ukrainian Community
It starts with a vision and slowly but surely it progresses to a wonderful portal of information, connectivity and tool for Ukrainian Australians. The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations are pleased to welcome you to your new website. "Our vision is to start a portal where everything and anything Ukrainian in Australia has a home and place to stay, whether it … [Read more...]
Holodomor International Activity – Breaking News
The Ukrainian World Congress Holodomor Committee in cooperation with Ukraine's Institute of Memory announced the official launch of the International Candle of Prayer Activity on June 19, in Kyiv. A candle for each oblast and country where Ukraine resides will be blessed and passed on. This candle should travel the different denominations and churches over the June - Nov … [Read more...]
Ukrainians in Australia Call on President Yanukovych to Provide Leadership
The AFUO has written an open letter to Ukraine's President Viktor Yanukovych expressing Australian Ukrainians' dismay with the many anti-Ukrainian - pro-Russian positions being taken by him and his Government The signing of Black Sea Fleet Accord The Europe parliaments intrusion in Ukraine's affairs on the Bandera issue The anti constitutional activity of the … [Read more...]
Harry Potter Power
Cairns-based psychologist Dr Julie-Anne Sykley has taken a unique approach to helping young teens deal with anxiety, anger, depression or grief. Her new book, Harry Potter Power, uses motifs and situations from J.K. Rowling’s popular Harry Potter series and links them to theories and strategies designed to help young people overcome anxiety, anger, depression and grief. It … [Read more...]