The Ukrainian Collectibles Society (UCS) of Australia released the first two stamps of the “Australian-Ukrainian Heritage” Personalised Stamp™ and souvenir first day of issue envelope series on 1 November 2010. The two stamps were dedicated to the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) and the Ukrainian Youth Association CYM to coincide with their 60th … [Read more...]
DakhaBrakha –Ukraine’s World Music sensation performing at WOMADelaide
DakhaBrakha –Ukraine’s World Music sensation will be performing at WOMADelaide March 11th – 14th in the idyllic outdoor setting of The Botanic Gardens. DakhaBrakha who were formed at the avant garde Dakh Theatre for Contemporary Arts in Kyiv and derive their name from the old Slavonic words for give and take are the foremost exponents of “ethno chaos” music which combines … [Read more...]
Український гурт ДахаБраха виступатиме на Фестивалю WOMAD 2011 / Ukrainian Group DakhaBrakha From Ukraine аt WOMAD Festival 2011
Подаємо до відома, що до Aвстралії приїде група з України ДахаБраха. Група приїзджає на запрошення Міжнародного Фестивалю WOMAD в Aделайді між 11-14 березня 2011. ***** DakhaBrakha, a music group from Ukraine, will perform at the WOMAD Festival in Adelaide between 11-14 March … [Read more...]
Перший табір СУМ-у в Новій Зеландії – First SUM (CYM) Camp in New Zealand
Cоюз Українських Організацій Aвстралії (СУОА) вітає перший Табір Cпілки Української Молоді (CУМ) у Новій Зеландії. The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) sends its greetings to the inaugгral camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association in New Zealand. ****** січень 2011 Христос Раждається! ПРИВІТ З НAГОДИ ПЕРШОГО ТAБОРУ CПІЛКИ УКРAЇНCЬКОЇ МОЛОДІ … [Read more...]
MARCHENKO V. MURRAY – After 7pm 20/01/2011 Margaret Court Arena
THIS IS A CALL OUT TO ALL UKRAINIAN SUPPORTERS TO COME DOWN TO MELBOURNE PARK TOMORROW, 20th January, 2011 AND SUPPORT ONE OF OUR OWN! MARCHENKO V. MURRAY - After 7pm 20/01/2011 Margaret Court Arena Don on your Uki colours, grab your flags and warm up your vocal cords. We will aim to hold a few seats reserve in the arena, but best to get there early! This is sure to be a … [Read more...]
AUSTRALIAN OPEN 2011 – DAY 2/3 HIGHLIGHTS/DAY FOUR SCHEDULE “DAY TWO – 3 out of 4 aint bad!” Bondarenko opened DAY TWO, against 54th ranked Chinese Shuai Peng. After a promising start, it turned into a tight 3-set battle, ending in Peng’s favour 2-6, 6-3, 8-6. Kateryna’s Open is far from over however, seeing her team up with Safina for the Women’s doubles later in the … [Read more...]
Hopak in the Park – Tickets on Sale
30 April 2011 – Melbourne Australia Sidney Myer Music Bowl YouTube promotion for “Hopak in the Park”. Click here : To book your tickets online, click here: For condition of entry to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. please read the following: Conditions … [Read more...]
AUSTRALIAN OPEN 2011 – DAY ONE HIGHLIGHTS/DAY TWO SCHEDULE “DAY ONE SUCCESS – Stakhovsky through to ROUND 2.” As we approach the end of Day 1, Ukraine already has one through to the second round, with Sergiy Stakhovsky breezing through in straight sets against German, Daniel Brands. Stakhovsky must now face neighbouring Polish competitor, Lukasz Kubot, for round 2. … [Read more...]
AUSTRALIAN OPEN 2011 CALLING ON ALL SPORTS FANS! The wait is over – The 2011 Australian Open is finally here and we’re inviting you to come down and support our athletes! Over the next 2 weeks, the AFUO will be providing regular updates of the successes and movements of all Ukrainian Athletes competing in this year’s 2011 Australian Open. Each day a new playing schedule … [Read more...]
15/01/2011 – Current Status of Ukrainians in Queensland / Поточний стaн укрaїнців в Квінcленді
A report and photographs of the Ukrainian Community Hall clean up in Oxley (Queensland) can be viewed at: Звіт та знімки про чистку українського Народного Дому в Окслей (Квінcленд) можна переглянути на веб-сайті: … [Read more...]
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