The Ukrainian Community in Queensland is recovering from the impacts of the recent floods. The community has resumed its cultural and educational activities, and has even planned a dance to replace the traditional Malanka which had to be cancelled. Read about these activities and an update about the aftermath of the floods on their website at … [Read more...]
NATIONAL RALLY – Updated Details
NATIONAL RALLY Canberra 19/2/2011 Defend Human Rights of ALL Ukrainians! Defend Constitutional Rights! The rally in Canberra on Saturday 19th February 2011 will protest against the violation of human and national rights of Ukrainians in Ukraine and in Russia. There will be three components of the rally. The rally will commence with a commemorative service for the … [Read more...]
КРАЙОВА МАНІФЕСТАЦІЯ – Оновлення інформації
КРАЙОВА МАНІФЕСТАЦІЯ Канберра 19.2.2011 В обороні людських прав всім українцям! В обороні конституційних прав! Маніфестація в Канберрі у суботу 19 лютого 2011 протестуватиме проти порушення людських та національних прав українців в Україні та у Росії. Маніфестація складається з трьох частин. З'їзд розпочне з панахидою за загиблих Голодомору -1932-33 та запаленям … [Read more...]
Open Letter to the Russian Federation of Australia
It is important for all to be aware that the Rally to occur in Canberra on Saturday 19th February is not directed against the Russian people, including the Russian Community in Australia (RFA). Components of the Rally are directed against the current ruling regime of Medvedev-Putin in Moscow. Stefan Romaniw OAM, the chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian … [Read more...]
Газета «НАШ СОБОР»
Газеті «НАШ СОБОР» доручили зібрати матеріали і розповісти усім греко-католикам та всьому українському суспільству про деталі зречення Блаженнішого Любомира від уряду Верховного Архиєпископа. Повний текст газети можна прочитати тут: … [Read more...]
Stook Stook
Stook Stook is an English language online publication produced by the Ukrainian community in South Australia. Stook Stook ("Стук стук" in Ukrainian) literally means "knock-knock". It has a variety of articles which should be of interest to anyone who has links to the Ukrainian community through birth, marriage, friendship or just has an interest in other cultures. Issue 3 … [Read more...]
Viktor Chernous Boxing in Melbourne
The Ukrainian-born Viktor ‘The Hurricane’ Chernous is the current Australian welterweight champion. On the 4th March 2011 Victor takes on the New Zealand champion Steve Heremai at Flemington Racecourse, Melbourne. The fight will be broadcast on Foxtel. Viktor’s trainer, Ivan Bukavina, thinks that his opponent will be the hardest he has faced to-date. “He is tough and a … [Read more...]
More Support for ‘Hopak in the Park’
Hopak in the Park - Ukrainian Cossack Dance Spectacular MELBOURNE will spring into action in spectacular style when an army of Ukrainian Cossack dancers hit the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on April 30, 2011 from 1.00pm to 6.00pm. Witness a cast of more than 300 Ukrainian dancers from across Australia kick up a storm as they showcase centuries of dazzling dance moves in the … [Read more...]
Блаженніший Любомир (Гузар) залишає уряд Глави УГКЦ / His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar) leaves the office of Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Блаженніший Любомир (Гузар) залишає уряд Глави УГКЦ 10 лютого на прес-конференції у Києві Блаженніший Любомир (Гузар) повідомив про те, що цього дня Папа Венедикт XVI прийняв його зречення з уряду Верховного Архиєпископа Української Греко-Католицької Церкви. Відповідне прохання до Святішого Отця Глава УГКЦ подав, коли йому виповнилося 75 років. «Сьогодні, коли я вже не маю … [Read more...]
Ukraine wins Cyprus friendly tournament
Courtesy of Greenwich Time NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Ukraine beat Sweden in a penalty shootout after a 1-1 draw to win a friendly tournament in Cyprus on Wednesday, while Romania defeated the Cypriot hosts also on penalties to take third place. The four-nation event was used by the teams as preparation for next month's Euro 2012 qualifying matches. Sweden grabbed the … [Read more...]
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