Venue: Ukrainian Parish School, 35 Canning Street, North Melbourne. Beginners’ Level – Thursdays Intermediate level – Wednesdays The Beginners’ class for students with little or no prior knowledge of Ukrainian Intermediate class for those who have some knowledge of the language but would like to improve their speaking and writing … [Read more...]
Українські школи запрошують на навчання
Якщо Ви хочете, щоб Ваші діти: навчилися української мови або покращили її, дізналися про незнайоме і цікаве з української культури, історії та літератури, познайомилися з іншими родинами з України, одержали додаткові пункти до балів, потрібних для вступу в університет, мали можливість співати у хорі та брати участь у шкільних виставах[1], брали участь у програмі … [Read more...]
Ukrainian schools accepting enrolments
BENEFITS FROM LEARNING ANOTHER LANGUAGE Educational research proves that knowing two or more languages is a valuable skill for individuals and for the country. “At the beginning of the twenty-first century, proficiency in only one language is not enough for economic, societal, and educational success. Global interdependence and mass communication often require the ability to … [Read more...]
SBS radio interview between Roma and Marko Halanevych from DakhaBrakha
This is an English translation of the SBS Ukrainian radio interview conducted between SBS correspondent, Romana Becker and Marko Halanevich from DakhaBrakha. DakhaBrakha will be performing at WOMADelaide festival between 11-14 March 2011. Romana It was a pleasant surprise for the Ukrainian community in Australia to learn that DakhaBrakha was invited to … [Read more...]
Queensland Ukrainians – Resuming Community Life
On Thursday 25th February 2011, the newly prepared classroom, the former library room and office at the refurbished Ukrainian Community Centre, were filled with children eager to start learning. Read (and see) more about this and other news about the Queensland community on their web-site at: … [Read more...]
Шевченківське Свято – Квінсланд
The Ukrainian Community of Queensland invites you to celebrate The life and works of Taras Shevchenko on March 13 2011 at a commemorative luncheon and concert at the Ukrainian Community Centre 70 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane Lunch starts at 11:45am Concert commences at 1:15pm Come and enjoy the wonderful concert program, which will also include performances by the … [Read more...]
Victorian Government Reinforces Commitment to Language Education
At a meeting on 28 February 2011 ministers of the recently-elected new Government of Victoria met with over 150 community languages schools representatives from over 30 communities and reinforced the Government's commitment to languages education and to community languages schools. A Press Release was released as follows: COMMUNITY LANGUAGES AUSTRALIA Where language and … [Read more...]
Inter-Airlines and TravelWiz Newsletter
Inter-Airlines and TravelWiz have just published their latest newsletter. Amongst other services, these two companies organize travel packages to Ukraine. The Managing Director, Adel Bassili, is a good friend of the Ukrainian community in Australia, and recently has offered to donate, along with Thai Airlines, a return flight ticket (Australia - Bangkok) to assist in … [Read more...]
Шевченківське Свято – Сідней
ОБ’ЄДНАННЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ГРОМАД Н.П.В. запрошує все українське громадянство на ШЕВЧЕНКІВСЬКЕ СВЯТО яке відбудеться в неділю, 13-го березня, 2011р. о 1.00 годині по обіді в залі Дому Молоді в Лідкомбі. … [Read more...]
Шевченківське Свято – Мельборн
Українська Громада Вікторії Запрошує Вас на Шевченківське Свято яке відбудеться у неділю 20-го березня 2011 в Українському Народному Домі в Ессендоні о год 1.30 пп. … [Read more...]
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