A growing number of fact sheets, letters, briefing documents etc. are available from reliable sources refuting Putin’s false “reasons” for the illegal invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory. A small sample is provided here:
From the US Department of State comes a Fact Sheet titled “President Putin’s Fiction: 10 False Claims about Ukraine”: US Department of State – President Putin’s Fiction
(source http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/03/222988.htm )
Also a more detailed document provided for US Embassy staff in Moscow titled “Setting the Record Straight on Ukraine (March 4, 2014)”: US Embassy in Moscow
From Ukrainian Jews an “Open letter of Ukrainian Jews to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin”: Open letter of Ukrainian Jews to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin
(source http://maidantranslations.com/2014/03/05/open-letter-of-ukrainian-jews-to-russian-federation-president-vladimir-putin/ )
From the Polish Rodak Press and Polish Compatriot Movement “To all freedom-loving people: Putin invaded Ukraine”: 2014_03_04_putin_invaded_ukraine
(source Ukrainian Embassy and http://www.rodaknet.com/2014_03_04_putin_invaded_ukraine.pdf ) :