Extract from NSW Legislative Council Hansard and Papers Thursday 17 October 2013 (Proof).
Page: 2
Motion by the Hon. MARIE FICARRA agreed to:
That this House:
(a) notes that 2013 is the eightieth anniversary of the “Holodomor”, an enforced famine in Ukraine caused by the deliberate actions of Stalin’s Communist Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic [USSR];
(b) recalls that it is estimated up to seven million Ukrainians starved to death as a result of Stalin’s policies in 1932 to 1933 alone;
(c) condemns this act of genocide aimed at destroying the national, cultural, religious and democratic aspirations of the Ukrainian people;
(d) condemns all other acts of genocide during the twentieth century as the ultimate manifestations of racial, ethnic or religious hatred and violence;
(e) honours the memory of those who lost their lives during the “Holodomor”;
(f) resolves to annually mark the “Holodomor” on or about the international “Holodomor Remembrance Day”, being 24 November;
(g) joins the Ukrainian Australian community and the international community, including 16 sovereign governments who have formally recognised the “Holodomor” genocide, in commemorating this tragic milestone; and
(h) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against humanity are not allowed to be repeated.