Adelaide – Wayville | Божественна Літургія / Divine Liturgy

Parish of Our Lady of Proection, Wayville 1A Davenport Terrace, Wayville, Adelaide

Молитви за Україну по парафіях Української Греко-Каталоцької Церкви в Австралії - Prayers for Ukraine at parishes of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Australia

Protest outside the russian embassy

Embassy of the russian Federation 78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, Canberra

Saturday 2 April @ 10am outside the rf embassy 78 Canberra Avenue, Griffith, ACT

Sydney Displaced People – Meet and Greet

CYM Hall - 3 John St Lidcombe 3 John St, Lidcombe

Meet and greet with displaced people at the Ukrainian Youth Association Hall at 3 John St Lidcombe.

Rally – Help Ukraine Now

Martin Place, Sydney Martin Place, Sydney

Rally in support of Ukraine. Meet at Martin Place and then march to Circular Quay