Ukrainian Community - A Road Map for the Future The goal of this plenary meeting is to gather together Ukrainian Organisational Leaders from around Australia to discuss and identify national and local plans and strategies for community development. The meeting opened at approximately 9.30 and is progressing well. … [Read more...]
Пленарна Нарада – СУОА 2010
Дорогі Члени CУОA! Повідомляємо, що ПЛЕНAРНA НAРAДA CУОA відбудеться в Мельборні у суботу 26-го - і неділя 27-го червня 2010 р. в Українському Народному Домі, Ессендон Ціль наради - Окреслити загально- австралійські та місцеві пляни для скріплення нашого громадського життя Оbjective - To identify national and local plans and strategies for community … [Read more...]
Stefan Romaniw Interviewed on “Unian”
Read the full interview with Stefan Romaniw on "Unian" … [Read more...]
Stefan Romaniw Interviewed on “The Ukrainian Week”
Read the full interview at "The Ukrainian Week" … [Read more...]
A New Website for the Australian Ukrainian Community
It starts with a vision and slowly but surely it progresses to a wonderful portal of information, connectivity and tool for Ukrainian Australians. The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations are pleased to welcome you to your new website. "Our vision is to start a portal where everything and anything Ukrainian in Australia has a home and place to stay, whether it … [Read more...]