January 22, 2014
Victoria’s Ukrainian community on Tuesday night November 21, 2014 rallied to protest the actions of Ukraine’s President Victor Yanukovych, who last week signed a series of laws that curb freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, the right to legal due process and freedom of association; severely curtailing civil liberties and political rights in Ukraine.
Participants with taped mouths and signs of dictatorship and repression along with a silenced auditorium highlighted what now awaits Ukraine under the dictatorship regime of Yanukovych. Media outlets covered the event.
The rally unanimously called on:
- President Yanukovych to repeal the repressive laws implemented on 16 and 17 January 2014 and to immediately stop the repressive and violent actions
- immediately investigate the disappearance of Euromaidan leader Ihor Lutsenko*
- strongly called on the Australian Government to take a far more active an resolute position to the current situation.
- expressed its disappointment in the Australian Government’s failure to date in supporting its allies in condemning the draconian laws implemented on January 16 and 17 , 2014
- on the Australian Government to make an immediate statement and to impose sanctions on those responsible for violation of human rights in Ukraine
The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations (AFUO) is now in the process of forming ongoing Euromaidan Committees on a local in each State.
The committees will work with the AFUO to:inform the community on a local level of happenings in Ukraine
- organise a variety of ongoing actions on a local level
- strengthen the lobby campaign of media outlets
- strengthen the lobby campaign of Members of Parliaments and Governments
Prof Marko Pavlyshyn will chair the Victorian committee.
“The rally which was convened by the AFUO and Association of Ukrainians in Victoria (AUV) and supported by all Ukrainian organisations in Victoria has sent a strong and united message as a community to
a) The President of Ukraine and governing authorities
b) Australian Government
that human rights and freedom of speech are sacred and cherished and that the community will do all its power to help maintain these.” AFUO Chairman Stefan Romaniw said
“This rally showed a community united as young and old, established and recently arrived members attending who in a boisterous auditorium on one hand expressed support and commitment on the other the hand their frustrations.”
“The meeting also called on the Opposition in Ukraine to finally identify a single leader who can lead the nation. The nation is now crying out for a leader. Lacking a leader diminishes the chances of changing the system rather than just shifting political deck chairs and individuals” Mr. Romaniw said.
“The meeting also sent a strong message of support and gratitude to the civic originations and students for their resolve and commitment and to all who have populated the Euromaidan.” added Mr Romaniw.
Church leaders, community leaders, Euromaidan participants spoke passionately to offer their undivided support. Presenters outlined the a range of aspects associated within the current situation- the violence, intimidation, the attack on the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and also of the resolute stand and commitment of the nation.
As the meeting unfolded, issues of Ihor Lutsenko’s kidnapping, the activity around Euromaidan the movements of the Berkut and actions to nullify their activity were being relayed to rally participants.
“This rally was also certainly a huge a community builder. The AFUO and the Ukrainian community in Australia will continue to support Euromaidan and the Ukrainian people in their current struggle” Mr. Romaniw said.
The AFUO will work with other communities internationally via the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) in a coordinated manner.
As the situation of human rights in Ukraine deteriorates the AFUO supports the UWC calls for action and calls on the Australian Government to take immediate action in order to help resolve the crisis.
AFUO calls on the Australian Government to immediately:
- condemn the illegitimate adoption on January 16, 2014 of authoritarian anti protest laws in Ukraine
- incite Ukraine’s governing authorities to reappeal these repressive laws
- call on Ukraine’s governing authorities to prosecute those responsible for all gross human rights violations related to peaceful protests on Ukraine’s Euromaidans
- notify Ukraine’s Governing authorities that individual sanctions will be imposed on those responsible for blatant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms and
- adopt the European laws akin to the US Sergei Magnitski Rule of Law Accountability Act and proposed US Global Human Rights Accountability Act in order to put violators of human rights and fundamental freedoms on clear notice that the international community will take concrete measures to hold them accountable for reprehensive behaviour
AFUO will immediately undertake the following steps:
i) Relay the rallies resolutions of the meeting
- to the President of Ukraine via the Embassy of Ukraine via a petition which was endorsed and signed
- Write to The Minister of Foreign affairs of Australia and also call for an urgent meeting
ii) Continue forming Euromaidan committees in each community
iii) Commence work with the newly formed Euromaidan committee in Victoria
For further information contact: Stefan Romaniw 0419 531255
Peter Shmigel 0419 541 531
* Ihor Lutsenko has now been found. He was kidnapped by approximately 10 well-trained kidnappers, driven to different places, including into the woods and being held and interrogated in a garage, before being dumped on a snow-covered lane about an hour’s drive from Kyiv.