Дорогі cтарші пластуни та прихильники!
Dear starshi plastuny and friends!
Цього року на Соколі ми організуємо цікаву Melbourne Cup/Sviato Pokrovy таборову програму.
Табір відбудеться від 30-го до 31-го жовтня 2010р. Включаємо Таборовий Довідник для
вашої інформації.
This year we are re-introducing exciting get-togethers and programs for starshi plastuny in Victoria
and Australia. First up is this year’s Victorian Melbourne Cup Weekend/Sviato Pokrovy Plast tabir
to be held at Sokil from 30-31 October 2010. This weekend will be a chance for starshi plastuny to
catch up and take part in tabir activities we all miss! The weekend will comprise of camping at the
tativka, enjoying a vatra, mountain bike riding in Forrest and sport on the beach!
Please find enclosed your tabir pack which includes:
- an equipment list;
- an application form with costs and payment details;
- a USP registration form.
Remember extra copies of the tabir pack are available at www.plast.org.au, under USP Resources in
the USP section.
All registration forms are to be forwarded by mail to the address below and payments to be
made payable to Plast Victoria and either forwarded by mail or direct debited* into the Plast
Camp Account:
• Commissioner for USP, 29 Glengate St HAMLYN HEIGHTS VIC 3215
• Plast Ukrainian Scouts Camp Account, BSB 704 235 Account 00001445
* if direct debiting the amount into the Plast account, please put your surname and ‘camp payment’
in the description.
Please return registration forms and make payments no later than Tuesday 19th October
(particularly if hiring mountain bikes, as a certain number of days notice of group size must be given
to the hire company in order to ensure bike availability for us).
До зустрічі на таборі!
Look forward to seeing you all there!
Ст. пл. Таїса Попович та ст. пл. Адріяна Попович
Крайові Референти УСП