A heartfelt reunion in Australia for three sisters separated by russia’s war on their homeland – Sydney-based Ukrainian community members, Kateryna and Valentyna, and their sister Liza, a brave combat medic from the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade.
In May 2023, the AFUO’s Defend Ukraine Appeal delivered a thermal drone to Liza’s unit, via a community-grant request from her sister Kateryna. A drone with a thermal imager is a life-saving asset to defenders on the frontline, providing vital reconnaissance. Liza and the 3rd Brigade were also supported by DUA and donors with the delivery of a car, to assist with medical evacuations.
In a long-awaited reunion this Christmas and New Year, sisters Kateryna, Valentyna and Liza spent time together, and with Ukrainian community members.
Still only in her early 20s, Liza has experienced and dealt with so much, like so many young people in Ukraine. However, despite the losses and horror, Liza remains the bright, young woman who has inspired and helped many.
“Liza is a ray of sunshine, kind and gentle, with an inner strength that is inspiring,” said AFUO Co-Chair, Kateryna Argyrou.
Thank you to all involved for supporting and welcoming a frontline defender, Liza, to our shores 🇦🇺
Support the AFUO’s Defend Ukraine Appeal and help deliver life-saving, non-lethal equipment to family members and friends of members in the Australian-Ukrainian community 👉🏻 defendukraineappeal.org/donate/
#AustraliaStandsWithUkraine #AFUO_in_action #UkraineFrontlineHeroes #AU2UA #DefendUkraineAppeal